Nobody fucked up DEI more than the big tech companies and FAANG. The amount of nonsense showboating and trying to make it look like they really cared when all they wanted to do was lip service has cost them dear. I don’t know about other companies, but at my company the amount of brain drain and smart people leaving has really come to hurt the company. At some point the company made up nonsense rules like X # of people in your reporting chain should be either women, or POC. The company took a goal to hire POC leaders as a metric (i.e, X # of directors and VPs had to be POC, namely Black). While the goals were admirable, the problem was that there was no talent to meet that demand. The result was in pandemic years, if you were a woman or black person you would be promoted without batting an eyelid. I saw this happen all around me where so many of my own colleagues (Indians, Asians, Whites) were overlooked because they wanted to promote women and black people. I was like, fine, it’s great you want to promote them, but at least promote the people who *deserved* it. But nope, this was all about filing in the numbers and showboating they did something. The end result? The smart folks who gave their all for the company simply just left for other pastures. The people who got promoted because they were in that special group never brought that innovation and change that company needed. So here we are in 2025, when the company has lost immense group of talent because of these efforts, and the people who stayed on are just not good enough. I would not have returned if I did not come back at the higher level and higher pay scale.

So yeah, I am kind of glad the company is winding down DEI efforts. Even when re-joined the company back, my director was forced to hire POC woman for a senior role in his leadership team; she came with great background but misfit for the role. She left within a year leaving such a big mess that it’s still taking a toll on the team she managed. She was a great academic, just a complete misfit for this team – and she left the team as angry as others were. So when that leadership position opened, I expressed interest, only for my director to tell me very up front he had to hire a woman for it, period. Which he did, and now we have another woman (white this time) who is much better than old one but also struggling a lot. Eventually because my own manager quit, I ended up being in the leadership team but the whole experience has been quite dumb. Its no secret to any of us that our director (and now manager) has always hated this DEI shit (and he is a Trumpkin), but this whole thing has corroded so much of working experience in big companies its not funny.

So yeah I am kind of glad the company is winding down some of these efforts. These were just lip service efforts and they really did not care about anyone or anything in general. They got the flak and called out for it. If they were really serious about this, they could’ve done so much more and so much different, but they took the least common and least resistive path so they could just off. Now its bombed on them and its left blacks, women and POC in an even worse space than they were before.

I finally decided to not to bring my blog over to as much as I initially thought this would be a good home for it. Currently Micro has no ability to mark the account private nor posts private. I fediverse my account to Masto and Bluesky, neither of which are truly private either. The cross-posting experience on Micro sucks, but at least the ability to cross-post to multiple other places is great so Micro can act like a single source of truth for many things. That said, bringing over my blog meant my domain name would also need to transfer over, and my domain name and my blog posts easily give away my PII information and where I live. It’s not like a motivated asshole can’t do it today, but I like it that it’s just a bit more obtuse to do so. And my blog is not private either, but i like the disconnect between this and that part of my life. I might occasionally link out to my blog, but for now Micro will continue to act like a single cross post account more than anything else (or pretty much a X alternative for me).

My agenda for today is to write a python script to track price of eggs near me for next 4 years. Should be a fun learning exercise and allow me to really understand and empathize about kitchen table issues impacting millions of Americans.

Dear performance artists of Dearborn, eagerly waiting for a free Palestine that has been promised day 1 of presidency.

I am oddly looking forward to tomorrow and the new presidency. I really do want Trump to succeed in destroying every institution of this country so it can be rebuilt better and more resilient. So yeah, buckle up everyone for the ride – it’s gonna be a hard one. But hey when we all come out of it on the other side we can be proud that the price of eggs remained the same!

Much against what I thought that the swim meet day 2 would be cancelled due to hazardous conditions because of ice rain and snow through the afternoon, it was NOT. Fucking annoying coz I had to drive her to the meet coz everyone of her friends was making it – and it’s going to get worse and worse as day goes on. Well at least she has agreed that if conditions look really bad she will scratch a couple of races and head back. Fucking annoyed with these swim people.