I dont know why democrats dont talk enough about a second Trump presidency will literally hand over the SCOTUS to conservatives forever? If he wins Alito/Thomas will retire and given democrats luck one of the other three will die given health issues, so Trump has a real chance to appoint 3 more young conservative justices. Like do people not really get it?

I am honestly kinda enjoying the popcorn of the whole India Canada spat going on right now. I dont care who is right or wrong here to be honest. As I have said before if USA or western countries have full rights to go to another country and kill their citizen because they were a threat to the country, India reserves that same right to do the same in Canada. Do I agree with this policy personally – no! But rules cannot be applied one way and not the other way around so it is what it is.

Hahaha. America warns Iran that any attempt on Trump’s life will be considered an act of war. Very good. But now, would it stop USA or Israel from going into other countries as they please to kill whoever they feel is a threat to them? I am sure the reverse logic will never apply to these two countries.

It’s incredible how much of a wasted potential is Musk. On one hand he is able to pull of idiotic feats of engineering in his companies and on the other hand he is a full blown Trumpanzee. What a waste of human potential.

Three of my cousins live in Dallas. I have successfully convinced one to move out and they just finished a move to Denver. Of course a bit of it was aided by his wife too but well done. Now to work on the other two though gonna be hard to convince since they both have houses and a full circle of friends there.

I am at a point where I absolutely hate creating login accounts specific to a website. Like give me option to use my Google or Apple account and I am interested. I am no longer interested in creating an app/site specific username and passwords anymore.

I have far far more respect towards republicans who are voting for Kamala because they see Trump as unfit than progressive leftists who are going to sit out this election or vote stein coz Gaza! Like go fuck yourselves royally.

I keep forgetting that a true golden retriever will always be obsessed with shoes and socks. I don’t think any other breed that I know seems to be so obsessed about having a shoe or a sock next to it at all times. We’ve given up at this point and now have a pair of shoes and socks that he can steal.

Apparently Kamala/ Walz have raised more than a billion dollars and given the state of race wheee it is right now it tells you two things: the kind of campaign she has run and the kind of American electorate she is really up against.

Today I talked to a fresh graduate out of college for the role I have open. I really wished this person didnt try so hard for this because everything was coming out so fake it wasn’t registering. Like, just be yourself and it works most of the times. There is no need to fit your graduate experience in context of workplace. I know you don’t have the experience, but don’t force fit things into corporate jargon speak. I wish I could move this candidate further, but unfortunately I just cant.