I am taking the approach that I took pre-inauguration to post-inauguration in that I am avoiding reading any news about Trump and what is he doing. A quick glance at headlines is all i need to know or read unless it seems like it will impact me or the family. I have also lost complete interest in what the democrats are upto either. Unless democrats are prepared to throw out the old hags like Pelosi, this is a fucked up party that I cannot support or donate to for the next 4 years; we need young blood who are unafraid to say things as they are and take the iron to the opposition. Anything else, I am checked out. At election time for VA/House or General I will make a call on donating money. For now, politics is going to take a back-seat.
At least weather wise, things start looking upwards from today!
I am sorry. I can’t tell you exactly what I am sorry for though, or why I am sorry. Just know that I am very sorry and now I need to go back into my cave to meditate because there is no place for me in this cruel world and just know that my silence is my strength. Apologies to everyone.
The biggest myth of dog ownership is “*if you are cold they are cold*. No, my golden will happily sit for a hour in foot deep snow eating all the snow around and then will have a zoomie. He will then beg to finish that with a round of fetch. He comes in because we force him. They don’t feel cold. Whoever came up with that nonsense probably owned a chihuahua in which case their life was already a tragedy.
Omg finally this cold spell from hell is coming to an end. After the last three weeks these temperatures feel like spring!
Here’s a simple thing: If you have to resort to umpteen blog posts, email exchanges, private messages, responses and more to explain your position, you have already failed. If I have to read the manual to understand your nuanced take, you might as well keep it with you lol.
bear blog, write.as, friendica – so many fediverse blog options. I did start looking at various options today after what continues to be a train wreck of a situation with this company’s founders, but if there are other options out there that operate similarly to micro, let me know some recos. Definitely trying out multiple options! And some of them even offer private/unlisted blog which has been a top wish of mine for a while.
I have a special kind of hatred who propose an alternate time for a meeting and that alternate time is 4.30pm on a Friday with a message “does this time work?”. No fucking not, it does not. Its a friday. I am not attending a meeting at 4.30 on a goddamn friday. No sorry, les meet Monday instead.
Studious boy.
MAJOR SPOILERS. Stop reading if you haven’t seen the last episode of Silo, Season 2. I had said i would post about why I did not like that last scene ending in-spite of the overall episode being one of the best episodes Silo has ever produced. My problem with the ending scene was simply this: It sets the series up to become another LOST with flash-forwards and backwards. Silo spent a significant amount of time world-building to the point that we are completely bought into it. Now its completely unimportant *why* the Silo came to be. To me, there is no mystery or fun here – it literally could be anything that led to creation of Silo but it would mean nothing to where the story is. Everything about why the Silo came to be can be simply explained within an episode, but given how Silo has operated they will make an entire season out of it which to me is largely unnecessary. I hope Silo S3 and S4 really focus on what happens to the people of the Silo, instead of trying to make how the Silo came to be as one of the defining mysteries of the series, which it really isnt. I haven’t read the books, and yes it may have made more sense in the books to do so, but TV is a different medium and we largely don’t need a backstory. So yeah, I hope Silo S3 moves ahead and not resort to LOST style flash-forwards and backwards gimmickry!