Morning: evening. Gotta love that oily skin and hair. He looks like he never even ventured out into slush doesn’t he? I guess vacuuming is in order coz floor is where all that dried up and went?

The check in time for this event was 11:45am for warmups. We left home at 10:30 to make it in time. Kid’s first race is at 1:15pm, second at 2:26pm and third at 3:17pm. Drying up and coming out will take till 3:45 and another hour of driving back home. Tomorrows schedule is even worse. This weekend is a washout.

Control room for the meet. The good thing is tech is now so far ahead thst if you watch the meet on live stream you get the same experience as Olympics with athlete names in lanes, tracking camera and timer. But hard to see the actual athlete.

Spent the weekend building this IKEA daybed that looks gorgeous and is a great addition to my office. Mucho naps and working from bed shall be happening now.