Somebody asked me today, “Whats your leadership style?”. The context of the question was that I seem to have high approval ratings for a manager (har! har!) and this peer was curious what I do differently. My response was I am not doing anything differently. I just let my team be. I trust my team to do their jobs and if they don’t do their jobs consistently then I step in to help navigate challenges. I do not solve every problem for my team, nor do I give them lots and lots of feedback. I let them fail in front of other leaders but I back them up. I let them peruse a bad idea for a while before they come to the same conclusion that I had right at beginning. My job is not to manage my people, but help them get better at managing themselves and owning their work. Almost every report of mine struggles the first few weeks with me, but when they finally start seeing that I trust them and I back them, they start taking ownership on their own and start delivering! Leadership is not some kind of a magic formula ya’all, so stop reading those books. Start with a position of trust and go from there and figure out how it goes. There is no secret formula that works for all, and no two people are alike. And just make peace that some people will hate you no matter what.

#leadership #management

The nation of “checks and balances” is finding out very quickly they have never existed in the first place. And everyone’s looking at each other with Pikachu “why is no one protesting?” face. Lol you stupid fucks, the time show your intelligence was at voting booth in November, not worry about your moral stance on Gaza. Idiots.

It turns out that when i exported out of, not all of my photos actually exported out. Not that I care too much about what I uploaded on Micro much, but its a bummer. I have already deleted my account so yeah only thing left to do is delete all the posts from my blog as well now coz there is nothing.

Let me say this. I am watching the complete silence from 2028 democratic hopefuls as nothing but cowardice and submission. The silences from Obamas and Bidens and Clintons speak a lot. If there is an election I don’t want to fucking hear from any of these people anymore. Only the young can save this country.

While the richest crony in the world is getting access to all my IRS data, social security and whatever the fuck he wants to know abou me with no oversight, rules or regulations in a shameless takeover, I am somehow supposed to be concerned that DeepSeek is sending my data to China. Yeah right the fuck I care right about that.

Adventures in cross-posting

Ever since I migrated off, I have been trying to replicate a few workflows that worked extremely well for me. My basic requirements were:

1: Ability to use *this* blog as the source of truth of anything I post and act as a cross-poster.
2: Ability to not have a link back to this blog if my post was a "micro", i.e something that fits within the character limits of mastodon/bluesky so it appears as if I posted there by default.

Getting here as been challenging, and while I have most of the pieces figured out, there are still some quirks and annoyances that I dont think I can invest time into fixing (not right now anyways!), so I will live with it. Here is how I achieved the outcomes.

I have blogged a little bit my journey out of micro blog so far. This is a wordpress hosted blog on pikapods. PikaPods abstracts away management of servers and gives me a wordpress stack ready to play around with. While this is great, it also limits my ability to touch the core wordpress files because I do not have any access to the actual box hosting this wordpress instance. This can be a boon in cases where you have no desire to muck around the files, but can be challenging in situations where you do want to muck around with no access to the underlying instance hosting the blog.

Luckily, enter WPCode, a code snippets plugin that allows you to inject pieces of code all across your WordPress instance without you having to access the underlying files. There are many code snippets plugins out there, but this one worked best for me. I did not need anything more than the free version to do what I wanted to achieve out of this. Code snippets can be of any type – Javascript, PHP, CSS or the likes. WPCode also comes handy with many out of box snippets that you can use right away.

I also bought a subscription to echofeed app that makes cross posting to mastodon/bluesky easier, but its a clunky service that acts up from time to time. However using echofee made my second requirement easier about not having a link-back to the blog for a true micro post. I currently have 4 different Echofeeds setup to do the following:

1: Cross post a "micro" post to Mastodon/Bluesky without a link-back to this blog.
2: Cross post a non-micro post to Mastodon/Bluesky WITH a link-back to this blog.

To achieve this, the approach I took was to use a category feed for wordpress. WordPress has a general all purpose feed at the blog level, but you also can reach individual category feeds. For my purpose, I needed these feeds: -- The general all-encompassing feed. -- the actual "micro" posts feed that don't need a link-back.

The first part was easy, I could use my category feed as a separate source in echofeed to cross-post to Mastodon/Bluesky. All I had to do was ensure that I just used {{ content:plain }} in my content tag. All my micro posts are now posted Mastodon/Bluesky with no link-back. I also had another Echofeed that took in the overall feed as well with {{ content:plain }} {{ link }} that allowed a link-back to be posted on Bluesky/Mastodon.

This had problems. First, because I used both a general purpose feed and a category feed, my micro posts were also a part of general feed. It makes sense – it is the overall encompassing feed. And second, because of that I would now have multiple posts on Mastodon/BlueSky, one with link-back and one without. So i needed a solution that worked for both.

Enter code snippets! I needed my general feed to NOT show any micro posts, but show posts in every other category. Luckily there was already a code snippet that did this job in kinda similar way. I had to edit the file to suit my purposes, but the PHP snippet that I configured via WPCode to run anywhere was this:

add_action('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category' );
function exclude_category( &$wp_query ) {
// Exclude from loop, archive and feed but not from category page/feed
if( ( is_feed() && !is_category() ) || ( is_archive() && !is_category() )) { // Exclude from feed, but not from category page/feed
set_query_var('category__not_in', array(1)); // Exclude category with ID 1

The above code excludes my micro posts from being included in the general feed, but not from a category feed. I had to find the exact numerical value of my category, but it was easy with some googling on how to. With the above code snippet enabled, my general feed does not have any micro posts in them. This is exactly what I needed! Using the two feeds one for general without micro posts, and one specific to micro posts I was able to configure Echofeeds that cross-posted micro posts without link backs and macro posts with link backs.

But then, how do I know which post is a micro and which post is not? I generally do not pay attention to word or character count. Sure I could judge manually and assign a category to my post so the right feed had it, but that felt like too much work. Plus I also post through mobile apps so i was not sure how that would work out. I needed an automated solution that looked at number of characters in my post and assign a category to the post automatically. It felt fairly obvious – if a post was > 280 characters (for Masto instance i am on), then assign “Macro” category, and if not, keep it micro.

To solve for automatic categorization of posts, I used another PHP code snippet. My initial script was:

* Prevent publishing posts under a minimum number of words.
* @param int $post_id The id of the post.
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
* @return void

function wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words( $post_id, $post ) {
// Edit the line below to set the desired minimum number of words.
$word_count = 299;
$content = $post->post_content;
$char_count = strlen($content);
$defaultCat = get_cat_ID( "Macro" ); //Get ID of "Macro" category
global $post;

if ( $char_count > $word_count ) {
wp_set_post_categories( $post_id, $defaultCat );

//add_action( 'publish_post', 'wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words', 9, 2 );
add_action( 'edit_post', 'wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words', 9, 2 );

This did the job! I was ecstatic as any time I posted a post, on publish it checked against number of characters and categorized post as Macro or micro. However there was one problem – this did NOT work when I used the WordPress or Jetpack app to post. After digging around this weekend, I came to understand that I had to replace

add_action( 'publish_post', 'wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words', 9, 2 ); [hence its commented out above]


add_action( 'edit_post', 'wpcode_snippet_publish_min_words', 9, 2 );

After reading a bit, I discovered that I needed an action to trigger once a post had been published not before. While the publish_post would work if I had access to underlying instance and I could modify the files there, what I needed was this action to work after the post was published. Hence edit_post action works better rather than publish_post. Changing this made all the difference – now no matter which device I used, a post was categorized as micro or macro without fail.

So, this is where I am now: 1/Whenever I post something the script above automatically tags a post as macro or micro based on # of characters, 2/I have another script that excludes micro posts from showing up in general feed and 3/I have multiple echofeeds to cross post macro and micro posts knowing that posts won’t be replicated. This has been working fairly well with a few quirks: 1/Sharing an image or link via share action on IOS app does not trigger this action. I couldnt care about this as I dont do that enough. 2/Echofeed still shows duplicate posts for micro post and I have no idea how to fix it – I think this is a Echofeed problem.

The other big caveat being, i am NOT a programmer! All of this was through google search, stackexchange and chatGPT. I know enough to understand code and make changes to suit me, but my capabilities end right there. I am 100% sure there are much optimal ways to do what I want, but this works for me right and works well. If you have any optimizations I can do, please let me know and I will try it!

I had to do a few small updates to the code snippet to account for pushing a post via mobile app rather than the webapp. For now it seems like the changes actually do work. Of course to double verify I am going to Lorem Ipsum again:

Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Imperdiet arcu aliquet sit conubia quam est velit dictum non primis pharetra vivamus pulvinar enim libero vitae morbi egestas sollicitudin ultrices platea habitant aptent natoque accumsan congue justo facilisi pellentesque vivamus quam orci facilisis morbi hac posuere tortor finibus per nisi ipsum pretium parturient mattis parturient ridiculus tortor eleifend orci tristique habitant tristique varius dui nascetur dictumst mus porta vulputate bibendum etiam iaculis sodales parturient nulla feugiat massa efficitur rhoncus ad ligula senectus est commodo eu ante vehicula sed accumsan condimentum integer vestibulum interdum hendrerit mattis ullamcorper per ligula erat bibendum ex ut dis sollicitudin fermentum vitae cursus primis litora cursus maecenas suscipit integer semper primis platea leo ante

On the other hand, if this post actually gets a link back, that means my code to exclude micro posts also works. Currently i have it set for 280 characters. Rest of the post is all lorem ipsum, but it should have a link back: Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Imperdiet arcu aliquet sit conubia quam est velit dictum non primis pharetra vivamus pulvinar enim libero vitae morbi egestas sollicitudin ultrices platea habitant aptent natoque accumsan congue justo facilisi pellentesque vivamus quam orci facilisis morbi hac posuere tortor finibus per nisi ipsum pretium parturient mattis parturient ridiculus tortor eleifend orci tristique habitant tristique varius dui nascetur dictumst mus porta vulputate bibendum etiam iaculis sodales parturient nulla feugiat massa efficitur rhoncus ad ligula senectus est commodo eu ante vehicula sed accumsan condimentum integer vestibulum interdum hendrerit mattis ullamcorper per ligula erat bibendum ex ut dis sollicitudin fermentum vitae cursus primis litora cursus maecenas suscipit integer semper primis platea leo ante.

Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, 2024 – ★★★½

I dont want Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movies for storytelling, but to see a master visual artist in action. In that department, Heeramandi does not disappoint. Good music & terrific performances except one actor (who was just pathetic). But the visuals are just stunning. Bhansali has an eye for details and staging of a scene, and while some may call it all fake, every frame is like a painting. More than anything else I was awed by the visual artistry of the series and that alone got a couple of stars from me!