Last evening i got some good 1:1 time with my youngest cousin finally. He’s always been a bit of a aloof character and because of significant age difference between us, we don’t connect as cousins as much as I do with other older ones. He usually never comes out of his room, and if he does stays for a bit and hides away again. Yesterday I forced him out with me to the mall while visiting their family, and asked if he wanted to share a drink with me at the bar. We ended up spending a good chunk of time at the bar, and he finally seemed to open up about all the things in his life and his insecurities and things he wants to do. It was a such a refreshing change and I really felt we bonded for first time as actual adult cousins! I guess all I had to do was bring alcohol into the equation?

Chase: You don’t need to tell us when you travel; you can use your card anywhere and our advanced chip technologies ensures you will always have a secure transaction no matter wherever you are in the world.

Also Chase: We declined a 100$ transaction for your card at Amazon India. Did you authorize it?

The scale and size of these new restaurants / breweries / bars in Bangalore are quite something, and makes me feel like I am living in 1990s in America. The sad part is there is no way America can even pull these kind of places off coz they would be so goddamn expensive that they would not work. These places cater primarily to the tech crowd, and a couple of years in, techies make enough money that they can spend multiple nights a week at these places – it’s not wonder they are always full. For my part I am enjoying exploring these places! Great ambience, food, drinks – what’s not to love?

A day spent in Bangalore metro and it was actually very pleasant and efficient. Most crowds were at Majestic terminus which is like Union station so expected, but otherwise very peaceful and runs frequently enough. This is the way, though knowing Bangalore any extensions now are probably decades away.

India is not for beginners

The metro station from our community is hardly half a kilometer from our place, yet getting to it is an exercise in alpine hiking with the amount of holes and cracks on the pavement leading to it. The pavement is half functional to the point that people can use it but it makes half a kilometer journey a good 15-20 min exercise. I was like damn only if they improved and rebuilt the pavement it would be so convenient for all the metro travelers and maybe even encourage more people to walk and use it! To which my dad replied, this is by design. If they actually rebuilt the pavement and made it nice and smooth, all the two wheeler drivers on their bikes and mopeds would start driving on it immediately. And then it would just become a road for two wheelers and whatever remaining people who could walk to metro will have no more option! So a broken pavement right now actually ensures people have a path to walk, and keeps the two wheelers away so it’s not a bad thing! As I said, India is not for beginners.

Today heading to old Bangalore in Jayanagar. I am oddly excited to finally try out the Bangalore metro! Preciously Whitefield to jayanagar where my another aunt lives was a 2+ drive through Bangalore traffic – now it’s one change metro direct to her place. Sure it will take more than an hour still but metro is metro! Finally happy to see some real public transport shaping up here.

Look, I didn’t come to India after 3 years to sit and complain about the obvious stuff that I can do sitting on my couch at home in USA also. So if you are looking for poverty porn posts, oh look privilege! posts, or but but but fascism is worse in India type posts, just look away. The interwebs is full of it and you will find what you looking for quite easily. I am on vacay here, not to do a humanities project on Bangalore.

Bangalore has these breweries / restaurants that are humongous in size. Last night at maize & malt turned out to be another place that could probably sit thousand or more people. And these places are so well done inside they are so much fun! Expensive, but fun. Of course we were at the brewery and the India Australia semi final was on and it was so much for me to feel like I was part of crowd cheering on India while drinking. I never enjoy sports bars back in USA coz they are so dingy most of times and even if they are fancy I have no interest in any American sports. The last time I felt such joy in cheering in a bar was in Europe watching soccer.

Going to meet a friend at a brewery and my dad insisted he would drop me because I would get lost and not know how to deal with Ubers. I finally convinced him to stay put after explaining 5 times that I am a local and I speak the language and I had no problems finding my way around in a random European country where I didn’t even know the language, and Bangalore is a city I have spent lot of time at. Gosh what an exercise! Even then he dropped me off till uber and told me to call him once I reach the brewery and when I need a car to head back. Like Jesus it’s just 3km away! How old am I again?