Today I finally took the step to delete *all* my tweets, forever. Of course I downloaded an archive first. I joined Twitter in april of 2008, and since then I maintained a continuous presence in one form or another till last month. I was never a prolific tweeter and accumulated barely 60000ish tweets over the course of 14 years on twitter, but it was never my intention to use Twitter that way. I barely followed 10-12 real people (& they followed me back, thank you!), and majority of my follows were actually deal sites, news, local police, schools or news sites. I am actually glad to met some of the folks I follow in real life, and some multiple times! While I saw many quit and rejoin and quit and rejoin, because of my extremely small blast radius, my experience was mostly net positive.

However i just couldn’t get myself to be part of Elon’s drama anymroe. I just dont want to feed him *my* data. I still maintain (and will maintain) the twitter account due to utility factor of it for now, but I am not unhappy about deleting all my tweets from the platform. A shitty platform no longer deserves my engagement, and it shall not get one.

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