I am more emboldened to post this post last night than now haha – Random musings on how democrats can actually start winning in future elections:

(*Disclaimer: I am not an election expert nor a political strategist. This is just how I think things may pan out. It’s important to win to govern. I could be wrong about every single thing on this list!*)

1. Give up on illegal immigrants. Its clear that most latin people dont care for their own people trying to make a better life so you want me to care about them now? Nope. The party needs to move very right on this because the normal populace does not want it.

2. Give up on birthright citizenship: Its not a winning message. It says nothing. A good majority of the world doesnt even allow you to become a citizen or have birthright citizenship so you might as well give it up. Blame it on staying with the times.

3. Crime and homelessness in cities: Nobody, not even democrats support housing homelessness in their cities. Stop with this posturing and do something about it. Every time I visit Seattle I find that place getting worse and worse and democrats want me to believe somehow thats ok.

4. Be honest about economy: One of the worst economic messages of this election cycle was the stock market. Empathize with regular people. Even as a top earners in country, we felt the pinch of inflation. Empathize that economy has not worked for people and listen.

5. Give up on NATO in short-term: Of all the things that I might have ever agreed with Trump on, this was the one. I don’t fucking want my country handling your issue. Europe issues are Europe issues, let them deal with it – even at the expense of China having undue influence.

6. Fuck the Middle East. Nobody cares. They dont even care for each other you want me to care for them? Nah.

7. For heaven’s sake, nominate a straight white man with a few white kids for president. Those days of colored folks or women winning are over in short term.

If this sounds dangerously America First, it probably is. In case of a wildfire I am not helping my neighbor escape until I make sure my own family escapes my burning house. Once I secure them maybe then I will think about my neighbor. Thats all.

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