It’s been three weeks now that the god awful
Illness is in the family. It started out with the kid who seemingly recovered in a few days – which is why we made the trip to Detroit, only to fall sick again there. We got strep/ Covid tests done before we left. After we came back we again took the kid to doc who said she had “walking pneumonia” and gave her 5 day antibiotics course. Doc also said she is not contagious at all and antibiotics will take care of it. At end of her course we attended the bat mitzvah. She had recovered and we were not sick so no problem right?
Well no. Turns out my sis kids are sick. One day after event we fell sick with same symptoms as kid did. And she likely made have her friend sick too. So present state both me and wife are just sickly sick, my cousins kids are sick and who knows who all. What a cluster fuck of events in the last three weeks this. I feel miserable physically and mentally right now knowing that we probably spread something around but I also am angry at the docs. Like fucking two times they got it so wrong.