There is a social hierarchy at work with people who get away with anything I feel. Obviously, while white men are at the top of the queue, I dont think *white* women realize how much they can also get away with when compared to men or women of color. Somehow white women feel they are one of us – no you are not. While your struggles, however real, they are not comparable to struggles of people of color, particularly women of color. When I pointed this out to someone this week (white woman) she was legitimately offended and even said I am very offended by what you said. Then i had to give an example of how just 30 minutes earlier in the day she had gone ahead and berated me in front of other people in the team, which she obviously didn’t feel that, and brushed it off as *I thought we were close!*. I asked her to reflect on herself that there were multiple people of color in the room who have difficulty advocating for themselves, are not combative and pause a lot before speaking anything. I gave her feedback if she truly wants to feel like *one of us*, start by actually understanding people across the aisle instead of using us as your gunnysack to fight your own battle with white men. And no, she hasn’t apologized to me yet.

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