Honestly, Trump is right on this one:
>[Trump asks why Europe isn’t giving Ukraine more aid as Johnson presses forward](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4603096-trump-asks-why-europe-isnt-giving-ukraine-more-aid/)
The only thing Ukraine has proved to me so far is how incapable Europe is at defending itself without USA. Its frankly laughable at this point in the game that European countries still don’t have any skin in the game and Ukraine is literally begging USA for aid (which it should give!) – but frankly, in event of an all out war Europe basically has no skin in the game. I doubt any of the European countries can even defend themselves without American support (so yeah, thanks my tax dollars!). Heck they won’t even band up to support one another.
The Indian foreign minister’s Jaishankar’s comments in 2022 was absolutely and 100% right:
> [‘Europe Has to Grow Out of Mindset That Its Problems Are World’s Problems](https://thewire.in/government/europe-has-to-grow-out-of-mindset-that-its-problems-are-worlds-problems-jaishankar)
Indeed, it has now become an American problem (because rest of world very smartly stayed out it!) while Europe sits on its thumb and makes a big deal about their other aid to Ukraine except helping them the one place that matters the most. While we are it, why is the USA still funding the genocidal government of Israel is also beyond me. I wish I could check a box on my taxes that said “No fucking aid to Israel out of my tax dollars”.