There’s a lot of similarities between current day whites and Hindus of India, and I hope that the white population can take some learnings out of India and do better. The reason Modi came to power is also why Trump came to power in 2016 and is dangerously close again. Hindus in India starting in 80s began feeling like they were being left out, forgotten, relegated to second class in favor of other religious groups (mostly muslim). We know looking *back* it was never true, but once you are caught up in that wind, its hard to see outside of that bubble, especially if you are living *in* the bubble. Then in the late 2000s they finally found a leader who they could relate to, because Modi is unabashedly Hindu, but more importantly he is unabashedly anti-Muslim. Frankly its not the Ram Mandir itself that bothers me, but what it has turned Hindus into that bothers me more. That said, my love for India still remains the same, and while I am disappointed in a lot of family members of mine, I am ok with the knowledge that *I* am not the same. If I start disconnecting with everyone for their views I will have no family or friends left and I’d become depressed and move into wilderness to spend the rest of my life alone.