Tips on how to be a good white neighbor: Dont let *What do you do to stay out of trouble on streets at night?* be your first question when your brown neighbor moves in. That was literally the first question my next door white retired man asked. Nice people. They even threw a party in the cul-de-sac for us. I just haven’t forgotten or forgiven him for asking me that. It just sets a bad tone and feels very condescending. Even if you didnt mean it. Its been 18 months almost we’ve moved in, but we measure our words very carefully with him and his wife, because a part of me just believes he’s a closet racist. By all accounts they have been very pleasant neighbors and never bother us, but they are also pokey in a way that makes me uncomfortable so I try to keep the niceties to a minimum. You dont bother us, I wont bother you and we are all very good!