Put up our treadmill on sale on FB marketplace, and within a day had several folks asking for it. A couple of good candidates emerged from the list who were serious, and ultimately I sold it to a desi who was so anxious to get it he stopped by our house, checked it out, venmo-ed and said he’d be back in evening to pick it up.

What I am not telling you is I picked the desi because of familiarity of race and thoughts of “he desi like me, profile looks ok, mostly must be a computer engineer, he likely won’t be entering my house to scope it out for robbery later, or come in with a gun & turn into a instant robbery scenario with my kid/wife in house, so safe person to give address”

I do not regret it one bit however because my piece of mind is higher than selling it to the first person who pinged about it, and I could have technically.

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